WTF is wrong with this world -
10-24-2003, 06:52 PM
why does the media make a big deal when some actor dies, im getting sick of it.
i dont care about john ritter, his shows sucked, he sucked, and i think he is more famous now that he's dead then when he was alive.
i never heard a single fucken thing about john ritter when he was alive, so why do i have to get all this shit about him now when he's dead!
i now wish he was alive, just so that they would stop spamming the shit out of this loser, no talented, b-movie, not funny at all actor!!!! he was a fucking joke when he was alive but now that he is fucking dead he's some kind of fucking GOD!!!!
fuck him and his family, i wish that fucker was alive just so they would shut the fuck up!!!!!!