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2004 Movie Previews
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Default 2004 Movie Previews - 12-31-2003, 09:56 PM

You won't expect to see any more Lord of the Rings or Matrix titles to hit the theatres, but there's some hits coming along the way, Spiderman 2 & the 3rd Harry Potter title, to name two big ones. Here's some trailers from that I thought were interesting. You need Quicktime to watch these. oOo:

[url=]SPIDERMAN[/url:70add] - Looks like it will rock. Small teaser, but gives enough to know that 1) Peters wearing his GLASSES again! (WTF?!) 2) MJ is still hot with red hair. 3) Harry still is a pissed rich kid. 4) Doc Ock, yeah baby. I just hope they unveil a LITTLE of the hobgoblin. . .must-see baby.

[url=]SKY CAPTAIN & THE WORLD OF TOMMARROW[/url:70add] - Besides Enemy at the Gates, why does Jude Law get weird-ass parts? (This, A.I., Road to Perdition (like anyone can snipe with a pistol!) ) Anyways, Jude appears to be some pilot, who fends off invading robots from lord knows where. The movie has that 40's-feel to it, which makes it looks pretty damn cool. Gweneth Paltrow seems to be his chick, and Angelina Jolie looks like some sort of evil army officer of some sort. Should be interesting, probably a matinee movie.

[url=]THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK[/url:70add] - When I heard the title, I couldn't remember where I heard the word "Riddick" before. Remember Vin Diesel in Pitch Black? With his ability to see in perfect darkness? There ya go, Riddick. It seems to be a prequil to Pitch Black, but I can be wrong, may be after. Seems that hes an outcast against some sort of army that wants to take over the world, blah blah blah. . .special effects look good, probably will be a download.

[url=]TROY[/url:70add] - ... p?t=171045

[url=]HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN[/url:70add] - Azkaban Prision was the place Hagrid was sent to in the 2nd movie, because of the chamber of secrets being opened. I've never read the books, but it's about an escaped wizard from the prison that wants to kill Harry Potter. What else is new. They gotta make these films quicker, Malfoy looks like hes 26 now. eek: Go see it if you liked the 1st two.

[url=]BARBERSHOP 2[/url:70add] - Ice Cube in another movie, what else is new. Preview has some good jokes, but this is defineatly a download for me.

[url=]MY BABYS DADDY[/url:70add] - See "Barbershop 2", except its that fat guy from "Big Momma's House", "Romeo Must Die", and "Me, Myself, and Irene".

[url=]THE BIG EMPTY[/url:70add] - Another download. Its the guy from Friends who dated Monica "Am I the Ultimate Fighting Champion?" and he has to deliver a head to some guy named Cowboy. Think, "The Big Lebowski" meets "8 Heads in a Duffle Bag". Ugh. . .download.

[url=]MIRACLE[/url:70add] - Kurt Russel is coach Don Brooks of the US hockey team sometime in the early 80's (I think) to beat the Russians for the Gold Medal. Based on a true story. Looks good, but either a download or matinee.

[url=]CHASING LIBERTY[/url:70add] - Just hearing Mandy Moore saying that she will never get to third base, makes me want to go see this. ed: Chick flick, only see it if you're forced. Shes the presidents daughter, runs away from home to escape constant attention, meets a guy who takes her away, whos really an agent. Whatever.

[url=]SCOOBY-DOO 2[/url:70add] I hate Scooby-Doo, but Matt Lillard plays Shaggy to the bone. That's why I watched the preview. You decide, I'll never see it.

[url=]MONSTER[/url:70add] - Effin weird. The makeup job on Charleze Theron (Devil's Advocate, The Italian Job) is unbelieveable. I seriously looked at her and thought she was someone else. Dosen't she look like John Voight? heh And the ho-bag's in it too, Christina Ricci. Trailer park trash lesbos, whatever. I heard good things about it, but I don't see them.

[url=]TAKING LIVES[/url:70add] - Hoping for a Jolie nudie scene. And why is young Sutherland ALWAYS a damn bad guy?!? (Stand By Me, the movie where hes a vampire, Phone Booth, WTF?!!) Angelina Jolie is a homocide investigator, reminds me of "Murder by Numbers" a tad. I dunno, maybe a matinee.

[url=]THE PASSION OF CHRIST[/url:70add] - The movie Mel Gibson is making. It's all in latin, which is probably going to suck, but the preview looks decent. Dunno yet, gotta see another preview.

[url=]TEACHERS PET[/url:70add] - After Mouse Hunt & The Producers, I've given up on Nathan Lane. I couldn't watch the entire preview. Not going to see it.

[url=]WIN A DATE WITH TAD HAMILTON[/url:70add] - Another chick flick. Bunch of chicks drool over this moviestar, while the scrawny guy sits back and can do crap about it. I'm sure we all know the outcome. I'll pass, but somehow, I think I'll be forced to see it.

[url=]MINDHUNTERS[/url:70add] - Interesting, considering Val Kilmer & Christian Slayter are in it. The preview says it all: FBI agents who are being trained to learn more about criminal's minds are put into a training scenario, which they find out is real. Probably a download, or Matinee.

[url=]TORQUE[/url:70add] - Fast & Furious meets Biker Boyz. Take a guess. hake: flamethrower:

[url=]50 FIRST DATES[/url:70add] - Probably going to be one of Adam Sandler's good movies for a long time. Drew Barrymore has short term memory, and can't remember dating Sandler the next day, so it picks up from there. Weird, but as I said, might be good.

[url=]OSAMA[/url:70add] - People will see this for the title, and know dick about it. About a girl who wants to learn more about the Taliban, so she dresses as a guy to get into their terrorist training camps. Based on a true story. Nuke em all.

[url=]THE COOLER[/url:70add] - Alec Baldwin owns a hotel, and hires Billy Gates (or whatever his name is) to make people lose, just because he's an extremly negative person. He falls in love with Maria Bello, and his effects reverse. Not my type of flick.

[url=]THE BIG BOUNCE[/url:70add] - Owen Wilson meets this chick that entices him to steal 200K in cash, and a hot car. Basically the story revolves around them and their theivery, and a few other well known moviestars. Looks decent, 1/2 chick-flick.

[url=]GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING[/url:70add] - Yeah. . . I hate movies like this. It's about some peasant girl who meets a painter, and they fall in love. Think Titanic, without the boat. Crap.

[url=]EUROTRIP[/url:70add] - "Ah, mi scusi!" hehe, I laughed at this one. 4 friends take a trip around Europe to 8 different countries. Probably matinee, but it looks like it may be a movie you see with a group of friends. Yes, I spotted 1 bullet-tooth Tony, 1 Boris the Bullet-dodger, and 1 baby-hitler. happy:

[url=]DOGVILLE[/url:70add] - Nicole Kidman is a fugitive, and a family protects her. Whatever.

[url=]WALKING TALL[/url:70add] - Yes, it's about time they put my boy in another movie, and no I'm not talking about The Rock. Knoxville, baby! The Rock's in another BLOCKBUSTER FILM *COUGH COUGH*, where his friend from High School takes over the town with casinos, smut, drugs, etc. . .Rock looks to put him out of the job. Man, if he didn't do a damn WRESTING MOVE in all of his films, they might actually be worth something. . ..nahhh. This looks decent though, Matinee or download.

[url=]THE PRICE & ME[/url:70add] - Another effin chick flick. Except, Julia Stiles. . .*DROOL*. She meets a guy whos a prince, but dosen't want to be. Think King Ralph with John Goodman. I'll pass.

[url=]THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE[/url:70add] - Yeah, right.

[url=]NEVER DIE ALONE[/url:70add] - DMX making another action flick. Looks a bit better than "Cradle 2 Da Grave", but I won't see it. Check the preview, not for me, but the chicks are hot.

[url=]GARFIELD[/url:70add] - Thank god I don't have kids, I'd leave them in the theatre. Besides Jennifer Love Hewitt, crap. Cat shit.

[url=]CLUB DREAD[/url:70add] - From the same guys that made Super Troopers, the cops go on vacation, and take up new personas, or it's just an entirely different story, with the same cast. Either way, looks funny, but too much of a con-off of Scary Movie. Download.

[url=]THE DREAMERS[/url:70add] - Straight up porno, with the guy from Murder by Numbers. I'd see it just for the porn scenes.

Well, there you have it! 2004 looks decent, from the start of things.
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Re: 2004 Movie Previews
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Default Re: 2004 Movie Previews - 12-31-2003, 10:02 PM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":72e81][url=]SCOOBY-DOO 2[/url:72e81] I hate Scooby-Doo, but Matt Lillard plays Shaggy to the bone. That's why I watched the preview. You decide, I'll never see it.
[url=]THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE[/url:72e81] - Yeah, right.

[url=]GARFIELD[/url:72e81] - Thank god I don't have kids, I'd leave them in the theatre. Besides Jennifer Love Hewitt, crap. Cat shit.[/quote:72e81]

For sure seeing these.
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Re: 2004 Movie Previews
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Default Re: 2004 Movie Previews - 12-31-2003, 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by BucKweEd

For sure seeing these.
Don't give these people money, they deserve to go bankrupt for this crap.
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Default 12-31-2003, 10:04 PM

Oh thanks. rock:

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Default 12-31-2003, 10:10 PM

wont be seeing any of em
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Zap. USMC is Offline
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Default 12-31-2003, 10:10 PM

What a terrible year for movies... hake: least I'll be in training majority of the year
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Default 12-31-2003, 10:14 PM

[quote="Cpt. Zapotoski":fb11d]What a terrible year for movies... hake: least I'll be in training majority of the year[/quote:fb11d]

Well, this is just from what I'm seeing from QT Previews, Im not sure, but the New Star Wars may come out late this year, or early 2005, the new Superman might come out this year, etc. .

For a list of movies being casted, and how they are faring in hype, check out the Hollywood Stock Exchange ([url=""][/url])
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Default 12-31-2003, 10:17 PM

Going high, high, high on Magic Mountain.
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Default 12-31-2003, 10:29 PM

I'm doing my own version of eurotrip this year rock:
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Re: 2004 Movie Previews
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Default Re: 2004 Movie Previews - 12-31-2003, 11:29 PM


[url=]SPIDERMAN[/url:3b3b8] - looks good, im sure its going to make alot of money, most likly a must see

[url=]SKY CAPTAIN & THE WORLD OF TOMMARROW[/url:3b3b8] - Too many stars in one film can only lead to disaster.

[url=]THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK[/url:3b3b8] - This one will end Vin Diesel's career, i wont be seeing this, and i dont think too many people will.

[url=]TROY[/url:3b3b8] - Seems more like a girls action movie, i think i will stay away from it.

[url=]HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN[/url:3b3b8] - I think the Harry Potter movies are pretty cool, and this one looks really good

[url=]BARBERSHOP 2[/url:3b3b8] - Never seen the first one, i liked the "Fridays" movies but this barbershop stuff i will stay away from. but it does look like it has some laughs though.

[url=]MY BABYS DADDY[/url:3b3b8] - Looks like Shit, Smells like shit, its got to be SHIT

[url=]THE BIG EMPTY[/url:3b3b8] - it kind of gave me a Fargo-Pulp Fiction feeling, it might be good.

[url=]MIRACLE[/url:3b3b8] - Im not a hockey person (never see the slapshot, if thats the movie title. and im Canadian too) im sure hockey guys will love it, plus its nice to see Kurt Russel being a serious actor too.

[url=]CHASING LIBERTY[/url:3b3b8] - Mandy Moore is soooo fucking hot, but the movie will suck of coarse, unless your like 13 years old.

[url=]SCOOBY-DOO 2[/url:3b3b8] I hated Scooby Doo too, so i will stay away from this.

[url=]MONSTER[/url:3b3b8] - This movie isnt for me, i have the screener if anyone has an FTP for me to upp it too, if ya want it. i bet it will win some Oscars though. and Ricci is not a hoe bag

[url=]TAKING LIVES[/url:3b3b8] - looks like a really good Suspense movie, i might see it. Jolie need to do playboy it would make a lot of people happly.

[url=]THE PASSION OF CHRIST[/url:3b3b8] - Just another way to throw religion in our face. will not be seeing this.

[url=]TEACHERS PET[/url:3b3b8] - this is for kids. not for me

[url=]WIN A DATE WITH TAD HAMILTON[/url:3b3b8] - Another chick flick, we know how its going to end. not for me

[url=]MINDHUNTERS[/url:3b3b8] - this movie looks really good, i will be seeing this. a must watch if you havent watched the trailer yet.

[url=]TORQUE[/url:3b3b8] - ever since that Biker Boyz trailer where the lady say "do you know what they call Biker Boyz in the ER, organ donors" i have wanted to kill myself. im staying far away from this shit.

[url=]50 FIRST DATES[/url:3b3b8] - this movie rocks, i love all of Adam Sandler's movies. i will be seeing this, i layghed my ass off with the chinese guy at the begining. this movie looks really funny.

[url=]OSAMA[/url:3b3b8] - looks interesting, i bet it will show how the women are really being treated over there. i think they should have changed the name to something else though. also i bet someone will be getting stoned in this movie.

[url=]THE COOLER[/url:3b3b8] - seen the screener, it seemed like it had a good story to it, but it wasnt that good of a movie, anyone want it, give me an FTP to upp it and i will.

[url=]THE BIG BOUNCE[/url:3b3b8] - i dont think it will be that good, it might have some laughs but i will never know because i will never see it.

[url=]GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING[/url:3b3b8] - Yeah. . . I hate movies like this. It's about some peasant girl who meets a painter, and they fall in love. Think Titanic, without the boat. Crap. yup, crap

[url=]EUROTRIP[/url:3b3b8] - looks funny, i might see it

[url=]DOGVILLE[/url:3b3b8] - Nicole Kidman is a fugitive, and a family protects her. Whatever. same

[url=]WALKING TALL[/url:3b3b8] - i think this might be a good movie, i alos think The Rock should drop that name and use his real name if he want to do movies, i would forget about the whole wrestling thing if he had a different name.

[url=]THE PRICE & ME[/url:3b3b8] - Julia Stiles is supper hot, but this movie will blow

[url=]THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE[/url:3b3b8] - Yeah, right. same

[url=]NEVER DIE ALONE[/url:3b3b8] - crap, and crap. stick to music DMX

[url=]GARFIELD[/url:3b3b8] - kill me now please!!!!!!!!!!

[url=]CLUB DREAD[/url:3b3b8] - might have some laughs but i will never know, because i will never see it

[url=]THE DREAMERS[/url:3b3b8] - not for me, but i would love to see that chick nude, i you know there is going to be lots of nude scenes

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Default 12-31-2003, 11:37 PM

joe looks like your sig got owned by your server
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Re: 2004 Movie Previews
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Default Re: 2004 Movie Previews - 01-01-2004, 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":3ec69
[url=]SCOOBY-DOO 2[/url:3ec69] I hate Scooby-Doo, but Matt Lillard plays Shaggy to the bone. That's why I watched the preview. You decide, I'll never see it.
[url=]THE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS MOVIE[/url:3ec69] - Yeah, right.

[url=]GARFIELD[/url:3ec69] - Thank god I don't have kids, I'd leave them in the theatre. Besides Jennifer Love Hewitt, crap. Cat shit.
For sure seeing these.[/quote:3ec69]

I'm seeing Spongebob Squarepants and Garfield...

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Default 01-01-2004, 07:35 PM

bah I never like going to movies anyways. Just wait till they come out on TMN. this way you dont have to put up with anoying little shits in the theater. (you know, the 10 year old that LAUGHS AT EVERY FUCKING THING!, the kid that throws popcorn, the group of teens that goes to the movies just to sit there & talk the whole fucking time! & pays 15$ each to just sit & talk which they could have done for free if they hadent gone to the movies in the first place. ect ect.... cuss:
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Default 01-01-2004, 07:39 PM

star wars ep, 1,2,3 < barney learns to bumfuck
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Default 01-01-2004, 07:55 PM

Its springtime for Hitler
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