01-25-2002, 01:49 AM
You know - I actually started to like AA.Net - however, running across the immature behavior of one of its MODERATORS, and the hypocrital nature of most if not ALL of the posters on that forum - pretty much turned me off to what could have been an enjoyable experience.
Not to mention the fact that one-week in and I still haven't received my FORUM-registration papers. Ha. Not that I'd do anything other than critque the behaviors of most of the members on the board anyway.
The final straw for me came during a heated "WAREZ" debate - in which of course every "civic minded" citizen came out to lambast this "horrible, horrible" practice; knowing full well the majority of them have at some point or another engaged in the practice or the scene in some form or another. Whether it be music, videos, or software - we all are guilty of getting free media. And no kidding - its a mods right to ban folks for discussing this, however dont assusme that "high-and-mighty" attitude that its a practice never done by themselves. That was a serious turn-off, and really showed their immaturity (along with the homosexual rip at the mods on AA.COM) as well as those of the members they were condeming (and subsequently banning).
Anyway - thats my rant, posted here cause (checks watch) still no mail from AA.NET. This is a great game - which I'm picking up in full so I can get that anti-cheat patch (in 30 minutes, lunch break) working with no problems.
Great game, great board, great god I feel alive!! Kudos sirs.