01-29-2002, 01:31 AM
I live in the UK and will be buying the game as soon as it is released, however I have a small problem with the SP demo.
I have the following machines:
P3 700mhz
Geforce 2 MX 400 64MB (Latest ELSA Drivers)
P4 1400mhz
Geforce 2 MX 400 64MB (Latest Detonator Drivers)
The Second computer is much faster than the first and yet they both get the same FPS. Almost exactally the same, which seems really odd. But the main problem is smoke, when I destroy the Half-Track or approach the destroyed vehicle at the very start the smoke bellowing out from the wreckage drops the FPS to under 10. This is bareable unless you are looking at the smoke through a sniper rifle, which is necessary to sniper soldiers coming from the direction the half-track came in. Otherwise I get a solid 40.
I am running the game with All Max Detail, 1024x768 32bit, but features like Dynamic lighting and the volumetric smoke, or whatever, feature in the advanced has been disabled for the sake of FPS.
Any ideas?