OFFICIAL: Jokes Thread -
12-06-2004, 09:35 AM
Ok, everyone tells a joke here. I thinl that's pretty straightforward, and none of you (with the possible exception of short hand) will require further explanation.
What's easier to get out of a pickup truck: Bowling balls or babies?
Babies: You can use a pitchfork..
What's worse than a truckfull of dead babies?
One live one eating it's way out.
What's worse than that?
Coming Back for seconds.
What's worse than ten dead babies stapled to a tree?
One dead baby stapled to ten trees.
Whats the difference between apples and babies?
I don't cum on apples before I eat them.
Whats the difference between a Porsche and a pile of dead babies?
I don't have a Porsche in my garage.
What do you call three lepers in a hot-tub?
Why did the leper get a speeding ticket?
He left his foot on the gas.