Originally Posted by Akuma
Congrats on the new build. Should have when Athlon 64.
Other wise completely badass.
One suggestion is to clean up your wiring a bit. All those cables can be a major hinderance on cooling. Try running the longer ones behind the motherboard tray or behind the hard drive cage.
Hey I was wondering about that. When I built my current pc, I had a major problem with wiring screwing up my airflow, which cause overheating. I looked all around the case for a possibility of how I can hide the wires. What I ended up doing is, behind the metal tray that holds the MoBo, I put all the excess wires back there. Whats a few other methods on how one can hide the wiring? I mean...to look CLEAN! lol I dont mind the extra work, would just like some advice.
ok ok I wont put it