... 82878.html
Hes in a medically induced coma right now for about 3 weeks while he recoups and they start skin grafts.
he has 3rd degree burns over 80% of his body and tonight his lung collapsed and had fluid in it. they fixed that and hes now doing a little better. they need a blood transfusion for him
Im going tomm before we leave to go home and donating some blood since im the only one that has the same blood as him, o+.
Were all praying for the kid to pull through.
Tragic that something like this happens becauise some people are stupid belligerent drunks who can control themselves.
This guy got pounded by some of her other cousins and friends after it happened. one of the firends broke his hand on his face. I think cooler heads have prevailed now and they are just concentrating on giving support to shane and his family.