Ok, first off, I know how tiring it is to read about "cheaters", but I'm gonna do it anyway

I had been playing some team based matches lately and I noticed a couple people would barely even shoot 3 bullets into me from any of the machine guns and I was dead. I let it slide because the first couple of times I was getting hit in around the upper torso and thought maybe they just had good aim. But then, this thing happened quite a few times where the guy would come up to me and shoot me with maybe 3 quick bursts and kill me. Problem though was that the screen said he killed shot me in the FOOT or LEG! I died in less then half a second by getting shot in the LEG!? Is there some kind of mod that is letting people do this or what!? I mean, it never used to be like that when I first started playin MOHAA online when it first came out. Please help :O