02-26-2002, 03:31 AM
People are always complaing about clans and why or why not people should join them. For the most part there isnt much reason to join a clan- whoever joins your ally/axis team is good enough. i think had they given MOHAA multiplayer a ranking system that rates and ranks you, giving you a title and or medals, according to your performance there would be more ppl looking to join clans that could help them improve their rank. a game called myth did this a few years back and it was damn addictive. a ranking system made people want to play more and better. when you didnt play for a couple of days your rank wuold go down as people passed you. everybody couldnt be an emperor or king. if you played badly your rank would go down. they even had 10 special ranks for the top ten people online. there were also rooms where you could play unranked games. of course Myth's multiplayer which was created by bungie(the makers of halo) was also operated and maintained by bungie so this rank system wouldnt be possible with gamespy. however online gaming and ranking was free with the purchase of the game so there was never any problems in playing online whereas now you usually have to pay monthly fees just to play with other people. a ranking system would insure a constant interest from the gamers for playing online and would also make joining a clan a more reasonable and influential decision. playing with your friends is what makes multiplayer fun, and while you dont need to join a clan to play with your friends, it can be fun if you know you have to work as a team to win a reward as a ranking system would ensure you would. besides its all about getting your name out there. listening to people brag gets annoying- it would be so much easier if their rank and title did the bragging for them.
im still a one man army... booooooyah