if you go to Microsoft's site you can do a combatibility test (make sure all your external devices, printer scanner, etc are turned on when you do the test) prior to deploying XP to see what is compabatible and what isn't. XP home and Pro both have many "built in" drivers for most newer hardware so that really isn't a problem. You can always go to your manufaturer's site after installing XP for the latest drivers. The one problem with downloading all the drivers prior to installing XP is that unless you have a burner or zip/jazz drive you won't be able to save some of the files as they are too big to put on a floppy. You could use winzip and "span" the larger files onto floppies but that is real cumbersome and time consuming. Here I go again going way off topic, oh well lol. If you need some help is this or anything related feel free to drop me and email and I will try to help you.
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