Well i have to say that was excellent except for the sound for some reason it was a bit jumpy for me. There are however one or two things to point out.
THe M1 garand in a scene gets reloaded after 4 shots are fired in real life you couldn't reload untill the bandolier clip had popped out after 8 shots. However after playing day of defeat i can see that this may have been done for gameplay reasons. In dod there have been numerous times where i have about 2 rounds left in the garand and run into 3 or more germans round the corner. So if that garand thing stayed it would actually benefit gameplay.
The M1 garand bandolier looks a bit odd. From what i can see in the video it looks more like a square block.
When the shell hits the water and the guys in your boat duck they all do it sort of simaltaniously which looks kinda cheesy.
The guy in your boat in the first vid who had a scared look on his face now looks like a right mean git. (no bad thing)
If this is supposed to be a squad of men in your boat why do they all appear to have M1 garands. Surely there should be some thompsons and a B.A.R.
Last point in D-day in real life as in saving private ryan the soldiers rifles weren't exposed like that they were in a type of plastic sleeve. Would be nice if you could do some thing like that press a button and he rips the sleeve open. (although that may be going to the extremes)
Hope i havn't offended anyone at 2015 with these criticisms.
[This message has been edited by Gerard (edited July 19, 2001).]