As many of you know, I have little collection of firearms and like to practice gun safety with my family.
Well we had a Federal Holiday here in Rhode Island on Monday. So I took my children to the gun range. We are the only state to still honor this WWII holiday in the USA. Many people do not think it's politically correct to honor this day and I believe they have changed the name but I can not remember what they changed it to.
Oh well back to my post, I took the kids out to the range today for their second time at actually shooting the firearms with live ammo.
The first couple of times was to practice range and gun safety. They have since moved up to do some shooting.
This first picture is of my youngest daughter, firing the Henry youth .22. This is a lever action short barrel rifle. This is a very good starter gun.
She's still working on her stance. But that will come with practice.
This one you should all enjoy, This is my older daughter shooting my favorite firearm, My Thompson.
Well, do any of the other members belong to a gun range and take the family?
Oh, and why do I take my kids to the gun range. They will be dating in about 7-8 years. so it's better to prepare them now
The real reason. To teach them how to safly handle a firearm.