Originally Posted by Jasper
What the hell was that supposed to proove?
I saw a guy kill another guy with the BAR...so what? Wheres the cheating?
It proves lack of reeding komprehenshun for one thing.
I shall have to repeat myself.... "Keep your eye on the crosshair when I lay waste to the sniper across the street."
WATCH the crosshair....it doesn't move an iota. Although bulletspread is serverside, gunkick can be locally applied..... in this demonstration ... a setting of zero.
Put it this way... I fire at you from 150 yards away.... after 1 or 2 seconds the guns recoil now has me aiming 10 feet over your head (in normal mode)... whereas with this thingy, the serverside bullet spread is STILL in effect but that "spread" is no longer shooting above your head it stays pointed right AT YOU.
It also removed the smoke and flash for better visiblilty....or did you notice?