Don't know if this is known...with all these guru's hanging around here (Hiya Scorp

), but blueyonder have this file up [url=http://gamefiles.blueyonder.co.uk/blueyondergames/medalofhonouralliedassault/modifications/germanassault/patches/win32/GA_MP_DEMO_ENG_1.zip:1f71d]here[/url:1f71d] which is titled german assault mp demo.
This demo, though I couldn't get it to run does contain two deathmatch maps called 'The battle of Arnhem' and 'Traxx' and can be used be renaming the file User-gaPak02.zip to .pk3
Don't know about the legal mumbojumbo as I'm sure it's all copyrighted and stuff, so I'm not putting the pk3 up
O yeah, if you already knew all this; WHY WASN'T I TOLD?! mwah: :-P
edit: O yeah, the mentioned .zip is placed in your main directory after GA is installed OVER MoH:AA
=4th= Ret. Vladimir