G43 and Weapons rarity -
08-29-2002, 02:00 PM
Instead of the German regular k98, the G43 should be the equivelent to the M1 garand. Yes many soldiers were issued the regular k98....but in 1944 there were a slim few in a squad (4 in 16 or so) that were issued k98's ...most would have been with an MP40, G43 (the german self-loading rifle) Stg44 or an MG gunner/assistant. Somebody needs to model this weapon...tens of thousands were in the field in 1944. yet EA and all their wisdom decides to model a shotgun that was issued to MAYBE 50 US soldiers in the entire European theater.
There have been a few things that annoyed me that EA didn't include, or included in the game that takes away realism and fun level by at least 30%.
One is there is no weapon rarity, or the ability to assign or limit the amount of any certain weapon(s). I often go in a game only to find 7 or more Germans in a squad of 10 using Stg44's ... or the same number of allies using a BAR. This is simply unrealistic and actually depleats the value of gameplay. Also, of person being alotted with 3 grenades (and in case of non-realism servers a rediculous 6....I dunno how you cram 6 Potatoe mashers in your belt, find me an original picture of that...you won't) and everyone gets a side arm. What I, and many others would like to see is a mechanism of some sort where the Host can persrcibe a certain number of weapons for a certain number of people, example:
A type of if statement: If there are 10 players (German Assault team) 4 are alotted MP40's, 2 get Stg44's, 2 G43's?, and 2 k98's and 2 grenades and sidearms each.
And so on with more rifles/less automatic weapons/greandes for medium and light infantry squads /converted for US units.
If there is any way at all something can be done like this it would really proove to be a popular mod/addon in the realism community. As well as eliminating the shotgun, sniper rifles and bazzokas/schrecks out there and replacing them with more common weapons. (in the case of the sniper rifles perhaps like 1 for each side max...even this is quite unrealistic as the percentage of soldiers on either side with a scope was less than 2%)
This is not guess work, these statements and suggestions come from years of research, first hand and interviews with real veterans. As I am a WWII reenactor and have done these things in order to better the impression and knowledge of the subject. For those of you out there that feel like replying saying its just a game or 'we don't like realism' ... what I am suggesting wouldn't be affecting your bumbling grenade-throwing shotgun-shooting arcade style unrealism fest that EA has unfortunately created. It would effect the realism servers for the better.