How to get your Joystick working! -
10-23-2002, 06:31 AM
Hi... just thought I'd share this. freak:
How to get your Joysitck working!
in console, type this
bind j "toggle in_joystick;cl_pitchspeed 0;cl_yawspeed 0"
(This adds a couple of lines to your unnamedsoldier.cfg file in MOH\main\configs directory.)
Then your Joystick will work. Forward and Backward will work, but you will have to bind your buttons.
in console, type this (examples only)
bind JOY1 "+leanleft"
bind JOY2 "+leanright"
When you exit, make sure you turn it off by pressing "j" again. Or else the next time you start MOHAA it won't work.
If you did exit without turning the Joystick off, you will have to delete one (1) line from your "unnamedsoldier.cfg" file.
This is the line you must delete (located under the Cvars section).
--it looks something like this, I can't really remember lol, sorry--
seta in_joystick "1"
There ya go.. enjoy yourselves! fire1: fire2: bigzooka: eatthis:
PS!!! if you know how to get around this problem please post it here, because it pees me off.
Oh yeah! plus if you know how to bind the lean to the forward motion and backward motion, I would really like to know wink: I use my steering wheel pedals for forward and back, but I would like to use them for lean instead biggrin: