TKing With FF OFF in V2 Map. -
10-30-2002, 10:47 AM
okay everyone. this is just a warning to you.
i was playing on a good server yesterday, and the map switched over to V2. i joined axis and hid behind the barrels near the rocket like i always do.
all of a sudden a rocket came outta nowhere and hit the barrels. the barrels blew up and killed me. i could of swore it was a teammate, but i couldnt prove it. so i did the same thing again, but this time, i watched everyone near me.
i went near the barrels again, and wouldnt ya know it. i looked to my left and saw one of my teammates with a rocket launcher walk up to the boxes to the left of me. he came out and shot a rocket at the barrels. killed me again.
FF was off, just to clarify that.
just watch out where you are in that map. if a person is smart, they will know to get you there, even with FF off.
thats my heads up for the day. thanks.