Battlefield 1942 or Delta Force: Blackhawk Down? -
09-17-2003, 03:58 PM
Well, heres the deal. Im mostly now, into mohaa and df2, but ive got some extra cash and im thinking of what to get. I have all the delta force versions so far (cept for TFD) and they are great, but i also have MOHAA (SH also), which i like a lot too. Anyway, im looking for opinions on which game i should buy. I could spend more, but i really dont want to. So, if anybody here might have played BF:1942 or BHD, then maybe i could get some opinions? Im guessing BHD (Blackhawk Down) is going to be the winner, but i would still like some feedback. So, what do you all suggest? Go ahead! Post away....