Skinproblem for Profis only -
06-02-2004, 03:59 PM
Hello !
I built a skin wich based on the allied_pilot .
The Prtoblem is that if i used in the multiplaier modus
the feets are in the Cyber Nirvana.
And the skin pulls the texture left him.
it only works correct when al Users and the Server have the skin.
I surched the tiki and the shader file again and again
but i didnt found a failure .
Is there any body who know this problem ?
path models/human/allied_pilot
skelmodel allied_pilot.skd
surface pants shader usaf_pants
surface coat shader usaf_bt_top
surface cullpants shader usaf_pants
// $include models/human/heads/us_young_heads.tik
path models/human/heads
skelmodel head1.skd
surface head shader berry_head
path models/human/hands
skelmodel hand.skd
surface hand shader handsnew
path models/gear/g_headgear
skelmodel creasecap.skd
surface creasecap shader usaf_schiff
path models/gear/us
skelmodel 45holster.skd
surface 45holster shader 45holster
idle 45holster.skc
// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout
// Cache sounds here
voicetype pilot // set the voicetype to use for multiplayer instant messaging
// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include.txt
// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end
(Tiki fps ) :
path models/player/US_Army // Set path to set skelmodel from
skelmodel USarmyplyr.skd // Set base model
surface viewsleeves shader viewsleeves_pilot
// right hand
surface triggerhand shader handview
// different left hands
surface lefthand shader handview
surface garandhand shader handview
// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout
// Cache sounds here
// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include_fps.txt
// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end
qer_editorimage textures/usaf_bt_top.jpg
map textures/usaf_bt_top.jpg
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/usaf_pants.jpg
map textures/usaf_pants.jpg
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/usaf_schiff.jpg
map textures/usaf_schiff.jpg
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/berry_head.jpg
map textures/berry_head.jpg
rgbGen lightingSpherical