One of the main objectives in any battle is holding a vital position.
How about (as an addition to the current types of MP games) a game that awards points for holding vital positions. I know UT had something similar and I allways loved it, but in this game it would be phenomonal, and it would make sence.
It could be time based, points for time the team holds a certain position. The other team would try to take that position.
The team in controll would spawn on one side..take position, the other team would have to work thier way down the level and take over the poition. If the other team captures it, the spawn points are reversed. The team who held it the position the longest would win. Of course defending is the easyest, so when time is up, the other team can defend first.
I know this is entirely team dependant, so half of the players out there would not like it. But I know I and some other team driven players, clans, would be completely challenged by it.
Bump it if you like it...suggestions if you have them. If you have neiter, dont post just to have yourself justified...