I just took a sh*t in the backyard -
09-21-2006, 11:12 PM
I wanted to post this because I really, really just did. I know I've been posting a lot of shit threads lately, but this one I think is worthy.
The basement just flooded with water so I was down there 3 hours straight with an industrial water-vacumm sucking up water. I kept thinking I was going to be fucking electrocuted so I wore my sneakers and stood on a chair while I did it. Dunno if it helped.
And the waters all off, so I cant take a shower or anything and I had to take a shit really badly so I took the laundry detergent bucket, put a plastic bag in it, and just took a massive shit right in my backyard. I peed in it to, I tried to avoid it but couldnt help myself.
Thanks for your time guys beer: