First of all, as a regular poster over at their message boards I take offence at being bunched in with others as a hypocrite. And the same policies that persist there about warez talk go on here. Nobody is to talk about it. Sorry, but I agree with that. and are both sites that want to keep on good terms with EA and 2015, so who can blame them. You want to talk about warez, then go to a board that deals with that. As far as my stance, I never blasted or condemned anyone for it. I have however blasted about the stupidity and/or audacity of people who did or intended to do it and post about it on the main boards.
And I want to say for the record that there are several pretty cool people over there as well so don't go blasting everyone over there. Same as this board...there are cool people and doltz and right now you not aiming for the cool people list...
~Pvt MaNgE~
141st Infantry