I've been working on a skin and have finished all the modifications I wanted. But I am unable to view my skin in Mohaa. I've been using WolfMan's guide and it has worked well. I suspect that teh problem lies with my .tik files or the shader. Any assistance will be welcomed.
I changed the .shader qer_editorimage and the map sections so that they are both equal, but i still only see the skin as a grey and black figure, nonoe of the changes I made are applied. Have I screwed up in the naming process, or do I need to edit the orginal files all over again?
guarnere's, theres a tut sticky, its not completely informative, and it takes some figuring out and tril and error, but in the long run, its a very good tut, b/c you learn how to do shit on your own, just be prepared to spend an enitre day or so getting your first skin to work