Greetz fellow PIII-450 person...
I am not using fsaa, but im running a GeForce256/32mb card at 800x600 with most settings on medium. Getting decent frames. Well not really but it's playable. 30 or mid 30's to teens outdoors & 40-90 indoors. Heh. Looks great still. Are you using 1.5x1.5 (lod?) or 2x2 fsaa?
I have my cpu (SL35D) oc'd a little bit to 522, that gives me a few frames and no real heat increase on the cpu..
What mobo you running? I got a Abit BE6-ii, BX chipset. 256 megs of PC133 SDRAM.
Btw, believe it, I'm using DX7.0a. I had bad experiences with UT/D3D running DX8 so I'm a little wary of installing it though I know this is openGL. Hmm, now that I think about it, why does DirectX even matter, this IS using openGL.. But it wants to install it with the game. Weird.. Meybe someone knows the reason.