This game was incredibly good for quite a while, but seems to be wearing off quickly. I think some of the reasons are:
1) need new maps, i.e. map editor
2) faster servers. the lag can be a killer. btw, I have a very good cable connection, often ping is in the 20's.
3) some way to implement team work? voice? roger wilco? maybe not. I can imagine how abused this would be. Still, there is not enough cooperation, teamwork, or even brain usage.
4) some sort of complaint blocker. I am getting so sick of people starting fights in game because they don't like snipers/rockets/shotguns or some other excuse for a basic lack of skill. maybe just a "maturity checker" would be the best solution.
5) version consistency or better server listings?
A) I join a server, it says 'old version', so I go back to in-game browser and wait for it to refresh 300 servers. why not list the version in the browser? (by the way, thanx 2015 for the in-game browser
B) I join another with 11/12 players. 'server full.' why not let me wait for an opening? I think UT does this.
C) wait for list to refresh 300 servers again. why not make refreshing optional?
Sometimes this can go on for half an hour efore you get into a game. Then the game is often laggy.
D) Sometimes I even lose the server connection. This never happens to me in other games like Quake3, UT, or AvP.
I know the browser is new and could use other features like favorite servers, etc. like GameSpy or AllSeeingEye. Maybe in an update.
I still find the game itself exciting. It is just the problems with getting into a game, lag in a game, and MOST OF ALL jerks in a game that are the problems.