Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein spends his time in solitary confinement writing poems, tending a garden, reading the Koran and eating American muffins and cookies, a British newspaper has reported.
Pretty retarded how he has it better than most of our troops. If you ask me this should be the regement for him
Go to bed at 9 pm
Wake up at 915 with taunts by american soldiers
Sleepless night until 515 am
Beating at 530 am
Horrible breakfast at 6 am
Forced to take a crap between 615-625 whether he has to go then or not
Another beating at 630 (after he has wiped his ass)
Time spent in his cell from635-1230 pm
Another beating at 1235
Questioning at 1245-130
Few more beatings
more time spent in jail
And dont give me the but OMG thn wed be like them... because this guy is a crazed animal and deserves to be treated like one