How much damage you sustain depends on your skill setting and what's fun. If we are 100% completely realistic, it wouldn't be fun because you'd die too often and the game would be too difficult. If we are 100% completely unrealistic, it wouldn't be fun because your mind won't accept the game.
There will be crosshairs. You can also turn them off, and they don't show up if you don't have a gun.
Our special effects will be as cool as we can afford to make them with our technology. Unfortunately, dynamically putting small holes in walls in a realistic fashion without destroying frame rates would take more time than we have for the game, and may not even be possible without making the normal game play look ugly. There are so many polys you can push before the graphics cards slow down... if you want to dynamically add polys by creating holes anywhere in any scene, you're going to have to start out with much lower detail in your scenery. We believe that having detailed environments and high-quality models contributes more to the experience than punching tiny holes into walls with your pistol.