nope, no offense, good points

The clip for the M1 is modeled after the real deal (we have a couple of actual M1 clips, one empty, and a guy here brought in an M1 with a loaded clip). As for reloading half-way through, we originally had it so you couldn't eject the clip before it was empty, but that was really pissing everybody off here

. So we enabled the reload for that weapon (you're assessment was correct, done for gameplay reasons

On the guys ducking, there's actually a bit of timing differences on when they duck (I put it in for the reason you stated, so they didn't all do it at the same time

. Either the video is too small to show the minor off-timing, or the timing isn't long enough. Easy fix

The BAR wasn't ready to go at the time of the movie, but rest assured they'll be in there

Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers