Originally Posted by "newt.":fcc0a
ok the fuck? gig posters are fucking almost always black and white sometimes a color or 2, unless your rich and can afford to print those shits. I will not vote for anyone with that shit. fucking peeple never seen a poster in their life i swear to the gayshithead-god "tripper" oOo:
Where the fuck do you live? 1920s Communist Russia?
Get a fucking grip, pretty much every gig poster I see downtown has colour. Unless you're REALLY poor (Try homeless), you should be able to afford at least a 3 colour job. I should know, as I do graphic communications at university (Print & Design).
How the fuck would you know anyway, you never leave the house because you're a fucking homeschooled loser.
lol ktog explained it all, thanks dude.
ps tripper where'd the homeschooled insult spawn from?