Yes i run 32 max whenever i host... But i set my maxping allowed to 200 - 250. Keep in mind that only stops people with a higher ping than i have set at the initial connection (challenge). It wont kick people who spike higher during the game and rightfully so.
For those who lagg out during the game my 15 sec inactivity setting takes em to observ view so the game wont be hung waiting for some dude who is stuck somewhere.
Lag is not just caused by your internet connection. Its a combination of lots of things. Im sure you guys already know all of that and i dont mean to insult anyone.
For instance. A host can have a fiber obtic connection and his game can stil be laggy as all hell if he has a crappy low end CPU that wont handle all the players movements. A dedicated server will only make his game better by a little bit. Again, the cpu also makes a differance.
On the other hand, a host can have the fastest computer in the world but be on a 14.4 modem and the game will still suck butt. I think what we are having (MOSTLY) on gamespy is novice server admins who dont have one or the other. I agree the netcode could use some work but ive been in plenty (and hosted plenty) 32 player games where there were no complaints at all.
But Im not gonna stand here and tell everyone there is nothing wrong with the game coding. Maybe there is. Its just i havent seen it and I dont even have the best of setups here. My reply was not to piss anyone off nor be a showoff. But the topic was started with the statement that all non-dedicated servers suck ass AND THEY DONT.
Not a flame nor argument. But there are some people out there who know what they are doing...