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Sounds like a load of bull but he'll be tried for the principle of espionage rather than actually giving out any info that could harm our guys.
What I mean is that even if Al Quaeda knows the weak spots on an Abrams, they still can't do shit to it!!!
Al Quaeda are dancing in the streets happy if they manage to find a few old Soviet RPG-7s in working condition, RPG-7s could take out a 'Nam era tank, but the Abrams' weak spots are probably stronger than an M-48s front plating. They don't have anything better than the old RPG-7s and early version Stingers.
Another thing that sparked my interest is that the article said he gave out info about weak spots on HUMVEEs. Isn't the whole damn thing a rolling weak spot??? I saw BHD, bullets go right through HUMVEEs.
just a word of advice to those of you that know military technology, keep it down in case Johnnie Asscroft is reading these forums.