Fate -
12-23-2004, 04:16 PM
There may have already been a thread on this but o well.
I will go on to explain my personal theory. Alright, now I believe in fate. Now, let me start from the beggining and we will build on it. We have a baby that has just been born. He is very big. Now this baby already has a preset character, and because of things he will experience throughout his life, it will change the way he acts in certain situations, and because his character is already determined, then the way he will react to certain things is already predtermined as well. For example, this baby grew up. He had a very sensitive, nice character, but because say, his parents beat him, it changed the way he acts. Note it doesnt change his actual character, just the way he acts. Because of this, he begins to bully people. It is all predetermined. Because he is sensitive, he will be very upset about his parents beating him, which will lead him to take out the anger on others, and when he ends up hurting others, his guilt swells up, and he feels even worse, and has to take his anger out on somebody again. Multiply that by 6 billion people with different characters, who will respond differently in different situations, and you have our world. Basically, what i am saying is that a persons life is already predetermined by his character, and while it may seem like the person has a choice, he really doesnt because that in his character, and because of something that happened to him, the way he acts in different situations is changed because of his character, and it may seem like the bully has a choice not too bully, but it reality he doesnt because he just cant take it, its like dominos, one domino effects the other, and soon lots of dominos have fallen, and we start to see real results, etc. I am not sure if i was very clear so if anybody would like me to clarify do not hesitate to ask.