I ran across this and thought it was hilarious.
300 (2007) - A African warrior is kicked down a bottomless pit by a group of white warmongers.
Spiderman 3 (2007) The color black is deemed evil and ugly when Spiderman appears as a black figure when he wears a black outfit. The message is that any dark skin person therefore must be ugly or evil.
Casino Royale (2006) A blue eyed white man chases a African and kills him while attacking the embassy of a African nation.
Rocky Balboa (2006) An old white man is called upon to defeat the African boxing champion who is 30 years his junior.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - People of African heritage are depicted as being savages which is a gross historical error considering that African societies were far more advance than any European nation at this time.
Superman (2006) – Another “Superman” film where the lead character is depicted as a blue-eyed super Aryan.
The DaVinci Code (2006) – Not a single African character in the film despite the fact Jesus was African.
Curious George (2006) – A white interloper goes to Africa and kidnaps a monkey that has no tail and walks upright and essentially acts as the white man’s servant. In other words, a metaphor for an African slave.
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) – An African Jedi played by Samuel L. Jackson is killed by two white men despite having superior skills than them.
I,Robot (2004) – A future world where apparently there are no African women so the African men must mate with a white woman.
The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000) - The black man is portrayed as being nothing more than a smiling simpleton whose purpose on Earth is only to serve the white man.
The Matrix (1999) - African actor Laurence Fishburne plays a man looking for a savior who turns out to be a white man.
Saving Private Ryan (1998) – The only actor with African blood in the film (Vin Diesel) is among the first to die while the blonde Aryan (Private Ryan) gets to live a long life.
The Nutty Professor (1996) – A African professor is depicted as a nut.
Bad Boys (1995) – African men are portrayed as bad boys.
Forrest Gump (1994) – Two simpletons – one white, one black – serve in Vietnam and the black one dies while the white one lives and becomes a hero.
Cliffhanger (1993) – The only African in the film is brutally killed by a white man who impales him upon an icicle in a white European cave.
Robocop (1990) The African mayor of Detroit is portrayed as being a weak-minded fool who is easily manipulated by white men.
Leviathan (1989) – Three survivors (One African and two whites) await rescue from a underwater base being attacked by monsters. The African dies while the whites live.
Superman III (1983) – The movie poster for this film depicts Superman (always a white man of course) carrying a frightened looking Richard Pryor which implies that the African man is helpless without the white man.
Rocky (1976) – A lumbering white man somehow defeats a African boxing champion who is in the prime of his career.
Death Wish (1971) – A white man guns down African men in New York and the white police help him escape at the end!
Cleopatra (1963) Cleopatra and other Africans are played by white actors.