12-23-2001, 03:01 AM
Ok I just set up a personal server and tested all the weapons using the wall marks as a guage for accuracy.
The Garand isn't a quarter as bad as you guys are raving. It hit within a 2 inch space firing from the other side of the block into the next building with controled single shots, and within a third of a meter fast firing (big enough a space to hit a torso).
The mauser is perfection in accuracy, all shots landed right on top of each other.
The Thompson and MP40 were on par, maybe the MP40 a little more inaccurate but it's real difficult to judge.
The BAR is quite a bit more accurate than the Stg 44 when firing of the clip in one burst. Which is obvious considering the rate of fire you get with the Stg 44.
The Colt and Walther are on par, not one shot with either landed in the cross hairs at close range.
And the shotgun, well fire that against a wall and you get an idea why it is so incredibly devestating in close quarters. Even at 10 meters it's pretty fuck off mean.
Im not going to mention the sniper rifle's cause they are both spot on.
But my point is the Garand aint that bad, maybe you were having connection issues when you were having missed shots close in. Cause I sure as shit can't see how else you could miss. The Garand is accurate not as good as the mauser but I wouldn't want a close range fight with the mauser either.