This is a MODDING forum. -
09-09-2003, 01:27 PM
I come on here every other day or so to see if maybe I can use what I know to help someone else. Instead of seeing numerous threads requesting help to learn to do something, all I see is "Someone make me this" or "Need a mapper to make me a map". All I have to say is that if all of us that know how to do this stuff had the same attitude when we started, there would be NOONE who knows how to do it. This is a MODDING forum...not a requests forum. Why not try to do it yourself instead of constantly spamming the boards with requests that will probably never be filled. I myself have grown so sick of this lack of drive to learn that I refuse to do any requests from here on. I strongly believe that most of the people here who do know what they are doing are of the same ideas as me. You people need to grow up and get over this "Mommy will do it for me" ideal you have.
On the same note, all the people that beg for tutorials, I have slightly more respect for you because at least you are going to try to make it yourself. At the same time though, you are pretty much eliminating the processes which will make you a better skinner/modder. The trial and error process is the only true way to learn those little tricks of the trade. In effect, by asking for a step by step instruction you are limiting yourself to mediocrity at best. You will never be a good skinner/modder unless you learn yourself.
In closing, I really wish we could go back to the days of old, when 90% of the people that hung around this forum were people who knew what they were doing and were only here to help each other with those little problems. Now as I look all I see are the people that probably need someone to tie thier shoes for them, or at least need a step by step tutorial on it. In a nutshell what Im saying is, DO IT YOURSELF.