Look, the way I see it, games are getting shorter and shorter. RTCW was very short, as was Ghost Recon. Now I've played this game on HARD in less then two week, without giving it much time. Game companies know that comsumers are willing to pay top dollar for a "name". So, their able to put out a short game, knowing, people like you and I will buy map packs or add ons. It will continue until someone can give us the next great game. Why is Half Life considered so great? I'd have to say because of its deapth. Most games LACK DEAPTH. This games big draw is supposed to be the winning of medals. (something they give you know idea of how to win.) I want a storie. They gave us one of the worst ending I've seen. The End. God knows how much we're missing. In my mind alot!
Looking forward to the next BIG GAME!
"Arbeit Macht Frei"
"Work Brings Freedom"