08-13-2002, 06:53 PM
reminds me of one time playing V2 (the original not the new map) on CKR about 4 months ago, i was an axis STG whore and spawned in the room with the trucks. naturally i started heading towards their spawn point to surprise them a little, i opened the door and went into the hallway where 4 very surprised allies were making their way down. one clip in a couple of seconds quickly took them out of commision, i was laughing so hard at the "damn strik0r save some for us" messages from my team that i didn't notice the bazookaman in front of me. of course he blew me away and somehow survived at point blank range with 5 health and went on to erradicate the rest of my team with an STG, where ever could he have gotten that?
all happened within the first 15 seconds, never had one quite like that again.