Localazation errors, not logging deaths for use in AEStats! -
10-06-2002, 10:07 AM
I have tried everything i can think of but death messages is just not being logged.
Developer is "1"
logfile is "3"
I was told it was the localization.txt that had to be ectracted and given an *s.txt on the end and tried that then the following errors went away but stil no death logs.
LOCALIZATION ERROR: 'was sniped by' does not have a localization entry
LOCALIZATION ERROR: 'in the pelvis' does not have a localization entry
LOCALIZATION ERROR: 'You killed' does not have a localization entry
That is a what i get most of the time.
I tried laucnhing with developer 0 logfile 0 and setting it to 1/3 after server start, but still no go...
Nothing seems to work, the REALLY WEIRD thing is that initially when i tried aestats they were logged fine but then suddenly went away.
Back when they worked i even had a localization script that changed some words.
I really hope someone can help.
I have tried everything i could think of and stared at this board for hours without finding anything.