A day in the life... -
10-15-2002, 09:29 PM
5:43 - Semi wake up and realize I only have 17 more minutes before I have to get up. Feel the ache of sleep and fatigue in my body. Curse the heavens that an "act of god" hasnt killed me yet, and garuanteed me a spot in Heaven.
6:08 - Wake up. Change my mind three times about what to wear.
6:12 - Hop in the shower, get all nice and warm...realize didn't go shopping for soap and must now get out of nice warm shower and get dish-washing liquid from the kitchen.
6:30 - Leave house. Pass nice comfortable car. Walk to bus stop.
6:34-7:25 - Sit in stained seat on bus, listen to retarded High School kids talk about who's weave looks the fakest, and ponder on all the many great things their 5 dollars will buy them.
7:41 - Buy GIZO, RED BULL, and beef jerky from 7/11 across the street from job.
7:45 - Un-official start of the day. Get 1 billion faxes from assholes who didn't realize a state office would be taking a state holiday off.
8:00 - Start of work. Morning meeting. Feign interest in other peoples accomplishments. Wonder if head should be swirling.
8:12 - RALEYS GROCERY storre arrives. Greet the recruiters for new store opening. Flash my own fake smile. Feign more interest in brining jobs to the jobless.
8:43 - Hot woman arrives. Cant do shit about it.
8:49 - Message from MIS (computer nerd department) - Firewall being worked on...no idea what this means - yet.
9:01 - Attempt search for STEVEDORE. Internet not connecting. Call Main Office. Internet possibly back up by Thursday at the earliest. Contemplate suicide.
9:02-4:32 - Attempt to maintain sanity. GIZO has robbed me of my concentration. Neurons shrinking.
4:33 - Day over (in my mind at least). Leave hell hole.
4:41 - Arrive at bus stop. Assume bus will AGAIN be late today.
...it is of course not.
5:11 - Next bus arrives. Manage to contain anger.
5:41 - Bus arrives downtown, decide to get chinese while I wait for 5:57 bus home.
6:17 - Bus arrives. Bus Driver makes attempt at humor - "The good news is I AM an 87 (the bus I need), the bad news is I'm the '6:30'". Think to myself how wonderful it would be to lob a bottle of piss against womans head and watch her writhe in pain. Get on bus.
6:43 - Screaming baby decides to crap its pants.
6:59 - Get off bus. Urge to kill slowly fading away.
7:00 - Pass ice cream man trying to sell ice cream at 7 at night with 65 degree weather, while attempting to convince one of his customers to marr his noble son back in pakistan.
7:08 - Home.