i could have sworn that ive blown up the boxes on that level by the rocket. ive tried it before but i cant do it again. i dont know if u can tk someone but i think u can blow them up
The black barrels near the stairs in V2 don't blow up. I've had a teammate shoot the barrels as I hid behind them and all they did was spill oil on me.
The black barrels near the stairs in V2 don't blow up. I've had a teammate shoot the barrels as I hid behind them and all they did was spill oil on me.
Go back and have your buddy shoot them with a rocket or drop a nade there and tell us what happens.
Have been aware of the barrel thingy for a while.. usually avoid being behind them for any reason.
I would like to point out other ways of dying by friendly fire / intervention.
For example, you are armed with a Bazooka and have slipped into a nice shooting position. You are in the act of pressing fire when one of your teammates moves directly in front of you to use your position for their own benefit and your rocket explodes in their back. You die. They are unscathed.
Or, you pull the pin on your grenade and release it just as one of your teammates steps in front of you. It bounces back at you, you turn to run like a muthaF---a but you are blocked by the 3 stooges in the doorway behind you. You die. They live. cry:
There are times when you wish your soldier could bitchslap your own teammates costing them some of their health.
*The Dirty Vicar is sponsored by Bazooka Bastards Anonymous*
*The Dirty Vicar's clothes provided by His Dirty Congregation*
*The Dirty Vicar dresses in Black*