Screw them. I don't say "Sorry, I have to go outside and recieve the host." Public school = NO RELIGION. Do a few extra prayers to allah in the morning to make up for the ones you miss in class. Screw them.
well i cant see how having ramadan off is a bad thing, i mean in florida they have all the jewish holidays off + the christian ones like christmas(which is also a month long break) so i dont see any problem with them having muslim holidays in heavily muslim populated areas. also my texas district has a policy that if you are absent for a religious reason it is exused which is just as good as having a holiday..
2 people at work follow some religion that basically asks followers to learn and repect all religions. i open up their Outlook calander and theyve got at least 3 religious dates a week. i used to think being jewish would be the best for religious days off per year but this kicks arse.
Actually I'm from Colorado. No seriously, I am. And by the way, I'm not one of those granola-stinky-tripping-raver kids, well maybe stinky but am not a raver.
Actually I'm from Colorado. No seriously, I am. And by the way, I'm not one of those granola-stinky-tripping-raver kids, well maybe stinky but am not a raver.