Location: Running around the map unarmed while trying to make myself an easy target for mortars.
01-29-2003, 04:46 PM
everytime i fire a goddamn mortar it doesn't hit anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is on multiplayer and its startin to piss me off (spearhead of course). I'm rocking on a mortar gun and it doesn't hit shit and then i get sniped or blown away. its fun...boosts confidence. any advice?
I would agree. I personally love explosives, but that mortar tube is about as useless as a pair of tits on a nun. I only use it in Malta to blow up walls.
I use it in 2 places. One being in Malta like Joe said. The other is in moderately crowded Gewitter games. I've gotten a bunch of kills on the far right Axis mortar by firing at the opening in the wall there where people like to "sneak" by. I've also gotten a couple on the left side firing into the busted buildings. Other than that, they are deathtraps.
yeah, motars are useless the way they are right now, they should be portable. that would help some, if not that then at least have them bolted down and pointing at useful places, choke points etc. not pointing at wide open areas since not many people run down wide open spaces.
btw, grenade damage in SH, love it or hate it???
im not a heavy nade spammer myself, so i hate the new damage radius. in AA nade dodging was an artform, but now in SH there is like no chance to survive a nade thrown in your general area, it even seems the damage follows you around corners for gods sake!! anyone kow how much stronger the nades have become??
Like mentioned b4, they should be potable
They should have at lease a little bit of cover so you can man them and not worry about getting killed faster then a MG42 gunner on Omaha.
I agree they definately need to be portable, thats the whole fucking point of a mortar, its a highly manoverable light infantry support weapon, designed with sole pupose to be transported anywhere giving light artillary support.
The fact that those useless tits at EA decided to make them in fixed locations and Then make these locations wide open to attack, without any real effective kill zone is amazingly dum even for them.
I love the new splash damage in spearhead though, the rockets and nades both cause damage over a wider area ( I dunno bout the mortars I never lived long enough on one to find out)