Originally Posted by Denton
Well you guys know the console command "path" which returns all of the pk3 files you're using. Well I was wondering if there was a way to be able to preform that command on a client and return the pk3 files they're using. This would be helpful in spotting cheats if they had a file named "cheat skins.pk3" or something along those lines.
Our clan admins use a program called CI Remote (Counter Intellengence) to scan the skins that the clients are using. It tells u the name of the skins that they are using. When anyone is caught using a custom skin, we ask them to change their skin as custom skins are not allowed on our servers. Of course u would have to run this program on a pc seperate from the one you are using. It does have bugs and crashes alot but he its worth it as u can somewhat monitor the skins peeps are using. You could goto our website and postin our forum to our server Admin for more info.
We have about 7 or more admins who run the proggie. Although limited it does help some in trying to curb cheats.