I worked at Subway during the summers of my university years, and I can assure you that the cleanliness was second to none in the store I worked at. Everything was really fresh and well stored. If anything had the slighest blemish or odd look to it, it got tossed.
And you were on camera the whole time, so it's not like you could get away with sticking a booger in someone's footlong meatball.
If more places had simple cameras there, that the PUBLIC could see as well, theyd increase there level of customers. People just DONT trust some organizations. Thats why I usually eat at a cafe here, cause I see my shit being made.
I worked at Subway during the summers of my university years, and I can assure you that the cleanliness was second to none in the store I worked at.
I hear that, Zone. I worked at a Mancino's in my old hometown. We would get better scores on the health department's review than hospitals were required to get. Something like a 92 or a 95...