Originally Posted by JBird
ive stated on like 5 threads now, that i enjoy bt demo. it did what it set out to do . new maps, new skins, new weapons. a few other subtle fixes too. what i dont get is the ppl complaining about there is nothing "new", nothing groundbreaking. what did you expect? this is what i was expecting and they got it right.
We were expecting
-vehicles to drive
-updated physics
-maybe stamina
-maybe a prone position ????
-mobile mg 42 like dod
-maybe a little slide show to at "least" show us what we can expect
-original aiming physics from mohaa
-some sort of half decent skinning
-more ammo on certain weapons
-list goes on..............
I never said the demo was bad I just said it was spearhead with a new coloured sprinkle on top.