Is it possible to smooth out models? -
10-04-2003, 02:57 PM
Hi guys im goin to try to do a terminator mod. (yeah yeah i know lol)
But for my T-1000 skin i need a smoother model any ideas?
Take a look at screeny to see what i mean. and yes i know he has human hands lol
regards scorp
Thanks mate i will give that 1 a try. I really want to use lightray but cant afford to reg just yet and my "other" sources show nothing to lol
lol, i just realized that you are already using the ranger model. the pilot model might work better. but it would still probably look like he's wearing a jacket.
the ranger skin is easily the best choice to go with, it looks like his bike cop outfit
i dont think it looks that bad as is, but lr3d might be the only way to go when it comes to smoothing out the model...i bet scripting that is gonna be a bitch
yes and no its shiny cos of shader so on a bar for instane u wouldnt want shiny wood just the metal so u would need to have 2 gun textures i think.
But u can o stuff like the colt etc.
regards scorp
BTW here is "finshed" skin till i can do the model etc. I'm not sure if i should release it tho cos it kind of a cheat skin.
Ok guys i have released it but i click new post instead of reply lol.
If u want it its in the forum under subject name released.
Now for those pesky anims lol