I was giving information that at the time I believed to be correct, I was not trying to present myself as an authority on that particular subject. And anyone who takes anything from a forum as the gospel, and act on it without coming up with some form of reliable second opinion probably deserves whatever they've got coming to them. Last I checked, part of the idea of a "forum" is to put forth ideas, and respond intelligently to them. Not to sit back and ridicule someone for not being the Almighty all knowing tech wizard.
Neither Open GL, nor Direct X are API's that I use, and therefore I do not read much on them. I just happened to have read one article a while back that had to do with the 2 standards, and I misread it. I was only trying to lay it on the table and see what other thought of it, I certaintly wasn't looking for a spanking from you.....although it was kind of kinky...DON'T TELL MY WIFE!!!
August 19, 1942