[quote="Zap. USMC":2dae4]
Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
GG I must have been the only natural kid out there when i played ball. No creatine no nothing just steak, protein and other shit. For a freshman I was pretty damn strong last year.
rock: you know it man
screw that creatine shit, once you stop lifting your muscle just shrinks and it looks like shit. Trust me, I know a few people who stopped lifting because of college,etc and all their mass went away in a matter of weeks. Just do it naturally and you'll look better... it may take longer but you'll be happier. Eames, by the way if you are going Marine Corps I wouldn't recommend getting all bulky or anything, just lift to get "toned" and bigger to a certain point and just stop and maintain it.[/quote:2dae4]
Well if you know what your doing" I would hope" Yourn ot just supposed to jump off creatine, you whine yourself off of it after heavy dosses amounts. It can cuase liver problems but thats for daily taken long time users.
-To Lev". Natural just doesn't cut it when Im going up against 325 pound Nose Guards. (Im only 235)I need more developement which Healthy supplements Gives (The Supplements I use are almost all natural Grren Tea and CLA are both natural suplements (of which the CLA is just fatty acids no longer in or regular food becasue of modern day Genetic Modifications to 99 % of our food. The Creatine is something i only do for half a year every other month of that "half". Green Tea, CLA, all natural my freinds. ZMA is just something which gives better sleep and the zinc and magnesium our body naturally needs but never gets much of. Not "taking these" only hinders any gains. SO if you think about it these 3 really aren't for mass building as much as they are for giving yourbody the things it needs. CLA only enables your muscle to better feed off your own body's fat for its own developement as well. This supplement regimine has also been approved by the Nutritionalist Teacher at my school. (The Creatine isn't a regular thing.)