Hey Motto, i just thought that i would also include my reply to your message that you originally posted on the general board.
Maybe we will get some replys.
Here goes:
I agree, most of the death animations are poorly done from what i've seen of Allied Assault.
I hope that the final game will have much better animation.
But i'm worried that it will not.
Have you seen the pre-rendered movie...sure you did.
Look at the animation in that movie, it's also very poorly done. The soldiers move like toy soldiers instead of real humans.
Because it's a quicktime file you can also watch it frame by frame. It's very clear then how poorly most of the animation is.
Especially look at that scene where two soldiers are trying to take out a German Machine Gun nest. One of the American soldiers just stands there like a robot in front of the Machine Gunner, takes a few shots and then dies very unconvincingly.
Just look at a game like 'Metal Gear Solid 2', this looks and sounds fantastic, and it's all realtime...well what do you expect from a Japanese game!

The game 'Operation Flashpoint' (a European game BTW) has also much better death animations then 'Allied Assault' at this moment.
For some more good death animations, look at Delta Force 2. I especially like the one when your soldier is hit by a nearby exploding grenade and he's deperately trying to put out the fire on his smoking clothes before he dies. What about the one when your soldier is hit and he falls on the ground, crawling in an final attempt to get some help...great stuff.
The death screams in Delta Force 2 are also very good, BTW
I really think Allied Assault is going to be a good game, but the animation needs allot of work!
Let's hope 2015 will improve it in the final release.
(the reply above was originally posted on the general board. I did add some more stuff to it)
[This message has been edited by mi_trooper (edited May 25, 2001).]