So what you are saying is that because John scored Flaggs entry higher than Magnums he is wrong, insane, incorect, un-worthy, ect. and should be removed as a judge?
Are saying that because he didn't do what someone may have done he should be removed?
Travis, are you trying to tell me that his opinion has less bering than yours?
I'm trying to say that some people just arent fit to be judges.
While I do think John's scores were a bit wacky, I really can't complain given the results. I am happy with what I got, and I knew anti was gonna be tough competition.
Even if he did give me a chance and I fuck up, he could always not count my votes.
There is no body I dislike at and I wouldn't vote poorly because it is someone. The subject is tricky cuz I have based it on subject in the past. And I know Kyle most out of many of the entries and that could away it too. But I would promise it wont.